Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Possibilities for Critical Analysis Podcast

For my podcast, I intend to focus on the issue of racism. Racism is a difficult issue to discuss with children, especially if they live in an area where there is not much diversity, but it is an important issue to make children aware of at an early age. The three books I am considering for my podcast about racism are:
    Sister Anne's Hands: This is a book centered in the 1960s about a young, White girl who discovers her new teacher is Black. It is the first time the girl has encountered someone of a different race and does not know how to respond.
In my podcast, I plan to discuss why the girl's parents did not make her aware of the different races of people and why it is more important for today's parents to make their children aware. I also plan to discuss the impact Sister Anne had on her students.
   What if the Zebras Lost Their Stripes: This book creates a scenario of what could happen if some zebras lost their stripes. The author discusses the changes that could occur within the zebra community if they no longer looked alike; how the dynamic would be different.
In my podcast, I plan to discuss why the author might have chosen to use animals to teach children about racism.
   In both possible podcasts, I will provide an overview of the book, discuss the appropriate age of the book, my thoughts on the book, and how it effectively teaches children about racism.

1 comment:

  1. The amigurumi images on your website are adorable by the way.

    You've done a good job of mapping out a framework for your podcast. Now you just have to decide on a book. The books you chose are different in that one is more subtle than the other. You might think about who you see as your listening audience to help you make your choice. You could also check to see for which text you have more to say and make your decision that way.

